Mark Brombaugh, organ

Mark Brombaugh recently completed his tenure, 2010–2022, as Co-Director of Music Ministries at Christ Episcopal Church, Tacoma, a position he shared with his wife, the Rev. Kathryn Nichols. From 1992–2008 he was Director of Music and Organist at the United Church on the Green (UCC), New Haven, Connecticut. Before assuming this position he was a faculty member in organ, harpsichord and church music at the University of Oregon, Westminster Choir College and the University of Illinois, and had served churches in several states. At Westminster Choir College he was also Acting Head of the Church Music Department. He holds degrees from Oberlin College, the University of Louisville, and Yale University.
Dr. Brombaugh’s concert appearances as organist and harpsichordist have taken him throughout the United States. As a clinician he has led workshops and masterclasses for the American Guild of Organists, Presbyterian Association of Musicians and the Hymn Society of America. He served as Curator of Organs at Westminster Choir College and as consultant for numerous churches. Dr. Brombaugh is past national secretary of the Organ Historical Society.