FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Concerts

Where can I get tickets?

You can buy tickets online via this website, which links to Zeffy, or you can buy them at the door using a check, cash, or most credit or debit cards.

If you buy tickets online, you can print them, use your mobile device, have them sent to you, or your name will be on a list at the Will Call desk once you enter the facility.

What should I wear?

There’s no dress code for the audience or the venue. Some people will go formal, while others will dress casually—wear what you feel comfortable in.

I’m running late. Can I still get in?

Sure, come on in. If you arrive after the concert has started, please wait between songs before entering the main concert hall.

The song ended, but nobody’s clapping—what’s going on?

Some pieces we perform may have multiple parts (movements). In these cases, we ask you to please hold your applause until the end of the entire piece.

Check the program to see which pieces have multiple parts. If the director is still facing the choir with his hands up, chances are we are still in the middle of a song.

How long is the concert?

Our concerts usually last 90 minutes, and we usually take one or two breaks during concerts. If you need to step out, try to do so between numbers.

Can I bring my kids?

Yes! Children are welcome at our concerts.

If they get restless during the performance, we ask that they be taken out of the main concert hall.

Do you allow smoking?

Smoking and vaping are not permitted in church buildings or on church property under any circumstances.

Where should I park?

You may use the parking lot next to Wells Hall on weekends, church parking behind the church sanctuary, or street parking.

If you would like to park near the church, we recommend you show up 30 to 45 minutes before the performance.