Preview of coming NWRS events

The 2023-2024 NWRS season of singing is now underway!

This season brings some notable changes to the size and composition of the choir, plus the addition of two social events that are new to NWRS:

We also invite you to save the dates for our Winter concerts on December 16th and 17th at Christ Church in Tacoma’s Stadium District.

This theme for this concert is “Sing Noel“, and we’re featuring a number of pieces that use familiar holiday themes in unfamiliar settings, plus a piece performed by Artistic Director Kyle Haugen on the pipe organ, and some caroling with audience participation. Tickets are available!

With many returning veterans of NWRS, plus new members who auditioned in, we are excited to bring you our latest season of exceptional musical performances, and look forward to seeing you all soon.

NWRS Board of Directors